Discover What Drives You
“Why we do what we do?”
Have you ever wondered, “Why do I do what I do,” and why others do what they do? This level of self-awareness is essential to your success. If you don’t understand what motivates you and drives you, it will be difficult to move forward with clarity and to cultivate positive growth in your life.
The DISC Strengths™ Temperament Assessment is a proven tool to help you identify your natural strengths and what may be holding you back from your best. You’ll see a clear path on how to leverage the various aspects of your personality for a life of fulfillment.
What Are the Four Dimensions of Behavior?
Every person is a blend of these four dimensions of behavior (temperaments) and has natural strengths and weaknesses that vary in degrees of intensity. Discovering more about yourself will help you relax and enjoy who you truly are!
Choleric, Brief, Results-oriented, Confident, Direct
Sanguine, Friendly,
People-oriented, Talkative, Spontaneous
Phlegmatic, Passive,
Service-oriented, Routine, Loyal
Melancholy, Organized,
Quality-oriented, Analytical, Private

Results as Unique as You
When you take the DISC Strengths™ Temperament Assessment, you will receive a personalized report that includes your assessment results to help you better understand your temperament, why you do what you do, and how you can succeed.
You will also receive customized graphs that will show how you scored in 3 specific areas. Your report will lead you through 7 Steps to a Better You which includes different expressions of your temperament, how you relate to others, your preferred environments, and much more.

How Can DISC Strengths™ Make
a Difference in Your Organization?
Implementing DISC Strengths™ across an organization can help significantly improve communications, teamwork, work productivity, and your ability to lead and manage your teams better. This is the best DISC assessment you’ll find on the market!