Understand yourself and others better.

Get ready to discover the real you as you identify your natural tendencies and strengths! Through this exciting journey, you’ll also gain valuable insights into how others around you are wired.


Every Person Is a Unique Blend of
all Four Temperaments

DISC Strengths Four Temperaments

Discover What Drives You

“Why we do what we do?”

Have you ever wondered, “Why do I do what I do,” and why others do what they do? This level of self-awareness is essential to your success. If you don’t understand what motivates you and drives you, it will be difficult to move forward with clarity and to cultivate positive growth in your life.

The DISC Strengths™ Temperament Assessment is a proven tool to help you identify your natural strengths and what may be holding you back from your best. You’ll see a clear path on how to leverage the various aspects of your personality for a life of fulfillment.

DISC Strengths has had an enormous impact on me personally and professionally. It has helped me understand the internal forces within and has equipped me to make better choices. The insights have helped me to relate more effectively to those around me. Because of DISC Strengths, I am a better manager at work, a better husband at home, and a better parent to my children. Thank you for helping me clearly identify the core building blocks of human behavior.

Adam J. (Financial Consultant)

We have implemented the concepts of DISC Strengths in our ongoing employee education and care, and in my home. The temperament model has helped our company better lead, love, and care for our people while giving them a stronger sense of identity. Integrating the temperament model at my workplace has resulted in building stronger teams and healthier working relationships with co-workers, significant others, and children. As a father, it has given me better eyes to see, love, enjoy, grow, teach, and parent my son.

Eric S. (CEO)

I now have a better understanding of the way I think, feel, and the way I react to situations. Knowing my temperament helps me express myself, better communicate with others, and improve my relationships with other people. I have also recognized my personal needs and how I can achieve them in order to be happy.

Jorydn L. (College Student)

Through this assessment, I have gained a sense of comfort, along with new insights about myself and my behaviors. As a result of taking the assessment, I am also positioned for growth, and I am learning how to break negative thought patterns.

Nicole D. (Project Manager)

Understanding my natural tendencies changed my life. I know what I need because of it and can communicate those needs to people around me, instead of continually wondering why I am burned out or irritable. It has also helped me to lean into what makes me come alive. DISC Strengths is such an incredible tool and I am so thankful for it!

April B. (Graphic Designer)

After completing the DISC Strengths assessment, I realized that I’m not alone and that there are others who think the way that I do. The assessment has also really helped me to understand those who don’t have the same temperament as me. Realizing that people who are “lonely” or introverts still live fulfilling lives was very eye opening for me.

Myriah B. (College Student)

All my life, I thought something was wrong with me. After learning about my temperament, I discovered I am normal. I’m now able to use my strengths and work on overcoming my weaknesses. Being aware has made all the difference. It’s like learning something you already know but could never really assign words to describe it. Understanding my temperament not only saved me but has also given me the tools and knowledge to help others especially those that are like me!

Valerie S. (Restaurant Manager)

Discovering my temperament helped me deeply understand my true identity. I realized that I didn’t really know myself, until diving into DISC and learning about my temperament. I now have a better understanding and appreciation of who I am. This has been the key to fully living out my identity.

Maria G. (housewife)

When I first learned about DISC and discovered my temperament, I was blown away! It truly helped me understand why I see the world the way that I do, and at times why it differs from other people. It was a game changer in my marriage because I learned what my husband’s temperament is and we are better able to understand each other and work together on resolving our differences. I recommend that EVERYONE learn their unique temperament so they can better navigate through life.

Brunna M. (Professional Counselor)

What Are the Four Dimensions of Behavior?

Every person is a blend of these four dimensions of behavior (temperaments) and has natural strengths and weaknesses that vary in degrees of intensity. Discovering more about yourself will help you relax and enjoy who you truly are!



Choleric, Brief, Results-oriented, Confident, Direct



Sanguine, Friendly,
People-oriented, Talkative, Spontaneous



Phlegmatic, Passive,
Service-oriented, Routine, Loyal



Melancholy, Organized,
Quality-oriented, Analytical, Private

DISC Strengths Assessment Results.

Results as Unique as You

When you take the DISC Strengths™ Temperament Assessment, you will receive a personalized report that includes your assessment results to help you better understand your temperament, why you do what you do, and how you can succeed.

You will also receive customized graphs that will show how you scored in 3 specific areas. Your report will lead you through 7 Steps to a Better You which includes different expressions of your temperament, how you relate to others, your preferred environments, and much more.

Take THE assessment now!
Organization Can Help Improve Communications, Teamwork, Work Productivity.

How Can DISC Strengths™ Make
a Difference in Your Organization?

Implementing DISC Strengths™ across an organization can help significantly improve communications, teamwork, work productivity, and your ability to lead and manage your teams better. This is the best DISC assessment you’ll find on the market!

Learn More

Resources to Help You Succeed

Why We Do What We Do
Get the Book
7 Steps To A Better You: How To Develop Your Natural Tendencies
Get the Book
Born With a Creative Temperament: The Sanguine-Melancholy (I-C)
Get the Book
A Parent's Guide: To Helping Your Child Develop Their Natural Temperament Tendencies.
Get the Book